What does a follower of Christ look like?

Tim Tebow’s prom night

Did anyone notice what Tim Tebow Foundation did on Feb. 13th this year? I know I didn’t until I saw it in LifeSiteNew.com email newsletter.

Tim Tebow and his foundation had their first annual “Night to Shine” prom night in 44 churches, 26 states and three countries. The “Night to Shine” prom night is for special needs young men and women.

Tim Tebow hosts glamorous ‘prom night’ for thousands of special needs people (lifesitenews)

In his own message, Tim Tebow told the attendees that while this night was designed to make them feel like royalty, in God’s eyes, they are that special every single day:

Tonight, our number one goal is to make you feel like kings and queens. But to be honest with you, every moment of your life, God looks at you like a king or a queen because you are so special.

Mr. Tebow seems to be a true follower. He is putting his faith in action. What a true inspiration. He is definitely not like most other sports figures out there. We need to celebrate what he is doing and encourage others to do the same.

Support Archbishop Cordileone:

You know, as faithful Catholic’s in the US, we are always looking to our bishops to stand up. Well, it looks like we have one standing up and he is in need of our help, at least encouragement.

He is in a fight with government officials because he has made a decision to insert morality clauses into the contracts for the teachers for all Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of San Francisco.

Let’s support him and others when they are doing the right thing.

Please go sign the petition at catholicvote.org to support him.

San Francisco’s archbishop sends frank reply to politicians attacking him over Catholic identity in his schools.

90 Christians kidnapped by ISIS in Syria

Patriarch urges prayer after at least 90 Christians kidnapped in Syria

We need to be in solidarity with the Coptic Christians and pray for people in this world to wake up to the evil that is spreading thought this world, in the form of ISIS.

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